Biology and Psychology 2606 (Spring 2010) – Thinking

We started philosophically, so we shall end that way as well…. This is the last lecturecast of the term. This fall I will be teaching Learning, Evolutionary psychology and brain and behaviour, so tune in for those.
If you have some odd need to hear my voice… why not check out Broca\’s Area, Tangential Convergence or thunderbird six, and if you are a kid, or just child like (or childish…) check out Why?

Have a great summer.

Music ”Hundred Times Over” by Private Joker

Powerpoint slides

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Biology and Psychology 2606 (Spring 2010) – Development

My recorder died on this one, so this is a repost of my 2008 class on development, it is pretty much the same, though, but the slides were a little different.  Anyway, sorry about that, and here you go:

Brains change, behaviour changes, and we call this mystery, development, man was that lame…

Music “You Don’t Need an iPod” by Uncle Seth

Powerpoint slides

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