z, it is all about the z
Here is the distribution I drew on the board:
Music “Hello” by Dan Brodbeck and Corey Thompson
[tags]Dave Brodbeck, Statistics, Psychology, Algoma University, normal distribution[/tags]
That title should be self explanatory…
Introduction to Statistics
z, it is all about the z
Here is the distribution I drew on the board:
Music “Hello” by Dan Brodbeck and Corey Thompson
[tags]Dave Brodbeck, Statistics, Psychology, Algoma University, normal distribution[/tags]
This is due October 8, 2009.
Please complete the following exercises in the book:
4.1 4.4 4.8 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.10 6.5
We finish up central tendancy and then move on to spread. Oh, I forgot my little mp3 recorder this morning, so I recorded directly into the internal mic of my macbook pro. The sound may be a bit tinny, sorry for the inconvenience.
Music “First Semester Freedom Fighter” by Hell or Highwater
[tags]Dave Brodbeck, Statistics, Algoma University, variance, standard deviation[/tags]
The Mean is meaner than the median and everything is better than the mode.
Music “Still Holding On” by the Rantings of EVA
[tags]Dave Brodbeck, Psychology, Statistics, Algoma University, Statistics, Central Tendancy[/tags]
Get a feel for those numbers
Music “Blue” by Captain Average
[tags]Dave brodbeck, Algoma University, Psychology, Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis[/tags]
We start our journey.
Music “Hundred Times Over” by Private Joker
Oh yeah by the way, I just got NHL 10, and my gamertag is dbrodbeck, I’m just saying….
[Tags]Dave Brodbeck, statistics, introduction, Algoma University[/tags]
Gee, we have not even had a single class meeting yet and….
Assignment 1: Due September 29, 2009
Please complete the following questions in the book:
2.1 2.11 2.12 2.21 3.4
A little wrap up, and a couple of words about the final exam.
Music “Today” by Dan Brodbeck and Corey Thompson
[tags]Dave Brodbeck, Statistics, Psychology, Algoma University, Dan Brodbeck[/tags]
Remember, correlation is not causation…
Music ‘My Own Flag’ by Less Than Jake
[tags]Dave Brodbeck, Psychology, Statistics, Algoma University, Correlation, Regression[/tags]
Big improvement over last time!
Mean   37.33035714
Standard Error   1.608181032
Median   42.25
Mode   44.5
Standard Deviation   12.03452487
Sample Variance   144.829789
Range   45.5
Minimum   4.5
Maximum   50
Yes, that’s right, the maximum was 50, two people got perfect.
Here is a histogram of the results