5 Replies to “Psychology 3506 – Caffeine”

  1. Funny that decaf coffee tastes different than regular coffee–I’m a tea drinker myself, and I drink far more decaf tea than regular tea, but they taste the same to me. Different blends of tea taste different, and green tea tastes different than black tea, but decaf green tea, for example, tastes the same as regular green tea to me. (I was never got started with coffee, it tasted burnt to me.)

  2. Ahh you just never had good coffee… I have not tried to spot the decaf recently, it may be the process is better now and the taste is still ok, not sure. But up until a few years ago I would tell people I could tell decaf and they would not beleive me so I would challenge them, and win…

  3. It also could be that since there is less caffeine in tea than coffe the difference is less, or that the tannic acid masks the caffeine taste. Or I have no palate.

  4. About caffeine and pregnancy.. A lot of women can’t drink coffee during pregnancy, they have to throw up to get rid of the stuff and are perfectly fine drinking coffee again once the baby is born.. So for me that’s a sure sign that caffeine and pregnancy don’t go together. Check that out. Happened to me both times I was pregnant and I wasn’t the only one.
    Dani xx

  5. Dani, welcome to the blog. Yeah, while caffeine may make you sick while you are pregnant that is likely due to the fact that your body breaks it down more slowly as you get further in to a pregnancy.

    That said, in the amounts most people ingest caffeine it is safe for a fetus.

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