Psychology 4007 (Winter 2009) – Violent Offender Research and Implications for the Criminal Justice System

Mixed this one ono my netbook using audacity, and well, I am not nearly as good with audacity as with garageband, so the sound is not awesome….

Dana led us in a discussion of this article.

Music “Shot” by STOWAWAY

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[tags]Dave Brodbeck, Psychology, Algoma University, Violent Offender Research and Implications for the Criminal Justice System[/tags]

Psychology 4007 (Winter 2009) – The Emergence of Social Cognitive Neuroscience

This is the first time i have podcast this class. It is a course on Contemporary Theory in Psychology. We (the fourth year students and I) sit around twice a week and discuss articles. The first article, on on social cognitive neuroscience, can be downloaded in pdf form by clicking here. Let me know how you like this one.

Music \”A Little Bit More\” by Uncle Seth

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[tags]Dave Brodbeck, Algoma University, Psychology, Social Cognitive Neuroscience[/tags]