4 Replies to “Statistics 2126 (Fall 2007) – Sampling Distributions 03 Confidence Intervals 01”

  1. Oh, I don’t know about Truth. Truth can be slippery. Now, facts I can get behind. There are lots of facts. Arguing with facts is just stupid. (But then, Schiller!)

    Speaking of out-there scientific announcements…From today’s New York Times: Low Buzz May Give Mice Better Bones and Less Fat ( http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/30/health/research/30bone.html?_r=1&ref=science&oref=slogin ) I keep thinking of those pictures of those weight-loss machines…

  2. I imagine you are using facts the way I use truth. Just semantics. My reaction is more one to postmodernism than anything. Boy that really gets me going….

  3. Oh, yeah, I was trying to be facetious, hard in print (and apparently unsuccessful!). With me it’s less postmodernists than deconstructionists (a distinction with little difference, I think). I particularly have a problem with legal deconstructionism; if the written word has no meaning, why do they publish so darn much?

  4. Yeah, as Maddie once said, (at the age of 10 no less) ‘if these people believe that there is no truth, is that not their truth?’ Good genes in that girl…

    I should have picked up on the joke, I am usually pretty good at that..

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