Psychology and Biology 3506 (Spring 09) – Brains and Dependence

Brains! Oh and dependence, addiction etc.

(Note, my recorder was messed up during the brain stuff, so I imported an old lecture here, the stuff after the break is the new lecture from last night).

Brain Powerpoint slides

Dependence and Addiction Powerpoint slides

Music \”Re: Your Brains\” by Jonathan Coulton

Listen Now

[tags]Dave Brodbeck, Psychology, Biology, Neuropharmacology, neuroscience, addiction, dependence[/tags]

Psychology 3506 (Winter 2008) – Antipsychotic and Antidepressant Drugs

Might as well get the clinical and somewhat depressing topics out of the way in one class, plus well we had that snow day and now this allows us to catch up.  Yeah I know, too much detail….

Music “Way” by the Schizophones

Antipsychotic Drug powerpoint slides

Antidepressant Drug powerpoint slides

Listen Now

[tags]Dave Brodbeck, Algoma University, Antipsychotic drugs, antidepressant drugs, psychology[/tags]