5 Replies to “Bonus Episode, How to Study”

  1. A golden oldie, if you will…I’m going to recommend it to my t’ai chi students (mostly for their other classes, but it’s all good).

    Reminds me–back in grad school, I used to take my chicken scratch class notes home and turn them into outlines. Then, to study for the tests, I’d take the outlines and write a lecture from them. Not only do I still remember the material, but I had lecture notes all ready for when I started teaching. (Naturally, I was hired to teach classes I hadn’t taken, but I had the notes.) … I don’t think that’s TOO obsessive…

  2. Very interesting episode again! Always a motivation to learn in a better environment. But I’m a little caffeine addicted… hope this won’t influence studies too much 😉

  3. @Rachel, that sounds like me in school….

    @Markus, some 170 000 000 or so North Americans are dependent on caffeine (I know you are in Germany, I don’t have German data…) so I would not be concerned about the caffeine, it is pretty safe. That said, try to drink a coffee during your tests too.

  4. Thanks Kelly. Oh and welcome to the blog, sorry I have to moderate the comments, for reasons that escape me the content is popular enough that I get comment spam up the yin yang….

    It is all basic stuff, but for many people, once you learn it it is too late….

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