Cocaine, Speed, Meth, E, and various other pick me ups…
Music “How Are You” by Ritalin Milkshake
That title should be self explanatory…
Cocaine, Speed, Meth, E, and various other pick me ups…
Music “How Are You” by Ritalin Milkshake
Wake up and you know the cliche…
Music “I Wanna Send You All The Way” by Caffeine
The lecture here is pretty short, but there is a pretty good discussion after the short lecture. How do we solve the problem? Can it be solved?
Music “Sleeping Pills and Asteroids” by The Gasoline Brothers
The eyes have it. Funny eh….
Music “Still Holding On” by the Rantings of EVA
Ch ch ch changes….
Developmental psychology is more than Piaget and some kids, but we have that too.
Music “Braces” by Stage
Your test marks are posted, out of 30
Part two of the alcohol lectures, then after the break, benzodiazipines and barbiturates.
Music ‘Mean Woman’ by Dogs on Valium
The end of the stuff on dependence and the beginning of alcohol. All hail Nikasi….
Music “Beer Rights” by Battery Life